Thursday, July 29, 2010

sorry...totally forgot

hey mamas,
so sorry for not checking up on the blog. i told u i was bad at this, but i shall continue to try...hee!
to be honest, i have nothing special to blog about so i'll just share how i've been. these days, i feel like time is just flying by. i wake up and do the same things day in and day out, and yet i feel like i have no control over anything. on top of that, elijah is entering the terrible twos. he is so jing-jing sometimes and becomes very defiant when he doesn't get what he wants. any advice in regards to this stage? i find myself having trouble balancing both boys esp. when the first is giving me a hard time. hope everyone else is hanging in there. it is awfully hot these days. hope everyone is staying cool! :)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


So I really want an iPhone. But I'm so sad that I don't feel like I can have an expensive, nice phone until my kids are at least 4 years old. I figure that is the age they are old enough to know not to kill it??? I hope???

I go through phones like toilet paper. I think part of it is I'm just bad at keeping things nice (always had a hard time keeping my notebooks and school supplies nice when I was in school. Always wondered how the other kids kept their notebook corners all nice and pointy and mine were all bent). And part of it is I have destructive boys. I guess they got that destructive gene from.

So this post is me, lamenting how I can't have an iPhone. Sorry for the lame post. =)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Hellloooo, anyone there?

You girls can't give up already, we have just begun. A line that I remember from teaching writing is "When you think you're done, you've only just begun." So, where are you boy mamas at?

I must agree I actually have nothing much to say, maybe because it's so stinking hot outside, both my mind and body are melting!! So, that brings me to a point...what are all of you doing with your boys in this humid, hot, nasty weather to keep them thriving and happy children this summer?

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Lowes Build and Grow Clinic

I must say a lot of free things in life are not all that great. Usually it's a gimmick, even with super-couponing (which I am a fan of and save a ton of money from) it can be quite a full-time job. However, this is one thing that is absolutely free and tons of fun for your little guy. It does require following directions and the use of a hammer, but in the end, he comes out with a creation that he (with your help) actually made!!

The first one Sammy and I went to, he made a picture frame for David for Father's Day, which was really cute!

And then today we went to the Monster Truck Clinic and he loved it. I also feel like I'm working on my "handy" skills as well =D Even better for your hubby to take your little guy and they can have some Man Time. My husband has a meeting on Saturdays, so he can't take him, but they are usually at 10am on Saturdays. Sign your little guy up for the next one which is the Ball and Cup game (pictured above) on July 10th. Sign up here.

You also get goggles, a patch, and a certificate for free-you can't beat that!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Moving Vehicles=BUST

So, I tried the Moving Vehicles activity when Sammy's friend was over and it was fun for a whole 2 minutes, not even. Man, what the heck! You spend all this time getting the activity together and then it's a bust. Well, you win some, you lose some. Least it made for a good picture. If you do this activity, it would be good to get the short markers. And then my 20 month old kept ripping the markers on once I taped them on, so we were battling it out with me furiously taping the markers and then him viciously ripping them off. Good times, I say....

Sunday, June 20, 2010

is it time...

Today as I was holding Matthew, I decided that I was going to munch on a chocolate bar...yum. Matthew started staring at my mouth but I didn't think much of it until BAM his mouth collided with mine. I started laughing but then the thought entered my head...
Is it time to start solids?
Later, I was feeding him 6.5 ozs of milk. He was happily chugging away until he realized there was no more...a cry of frustration and anger came out of my usually happy content boy. Perplexed I gave him 2 more ozs...dang boy 8.5 ozs....he ate it all...
Is it seriously time to start solids?
During dinner time, I thought it would be interesting to see if he was ready for a spoon. Put some milk on the tip and he slurped that junks up...
Sad...IT is time to start solids...

With Noah, I was eager to start solids....I was excited to watch him grow and learn new things...I couldn't wait for the next step of development...
With Matthew it's been a bit's only been 4.5 months but seriously the time has flew newborn is no longer a newborn. It's probably silly that i'm sad about this (i blame hormones) but I can't help but want to hold on to the cuddly, cooing, trusting eyes of that little guy.

I know there are great and wonderful things ahead... like running in five hundred directions chasing after my BOYS, watching them play and smile together, watching them fight but yet have each others back, watching him dance and smile...

Hold Up- on second thought- i can't wait to start solids. =D

Friday, June 18, 2010

Some boy crafts

Ever since I started doing some Montessori activities with Sammy he asks me to do an "activity" everyday. Honestly, sometimes I make one up on the spot because it baffles me that he wants to do it. I know Sammy is quite active, but for some reason he loves these activities and I think it's because learning has become enjoyable-quite ingenious in that when I was a child I was taught to learn not because I enjoyed the content, but because I had to. Now we know that the better way to reach kids is by using their interests as a tool.

Here are a few activities I was going to do next week, let me know if they work for you.
I found them on First Palette-which is pretty amazing and I know I'll keep going back to!

Zooming Pens-So easy and I think he'll love it!

Flip Book-I thought this one would be good to print out and make and then take it on the go, so they can do it at a restaurant or when we're out.
